
custom t shirts

Newmarket report published by Credence Research Inc shows that the custom t-shirt printing industry quickly gained traction after the grim market condition during the economic crisis. During the crisis, people avoided optional expenses such as custom t-shirts. However, with the increasing economic stability, consumers have started opting for custom t-shirts. The global market for custom

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It is a common issue(mostly incorrect application) with the transfer paper that becomes yellow during the ironing stage. Many printers emphasize selecting the correct transfer paper like dark, light, inkjet, or laser. And moreover, the design patterns as well. Till everything goes fine. But in the ironing stage, things do not go as desired. Due

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There is little doubt about how to pre-treat t-shirts as the cornerstone of the DTG printing process. As we move into the digital age, a lot of development has paved in with inks. The printing industry has adopted a wide range of fabric printability integrated with cutting-edge pre-treatment solutions. Without pre-treatment, your designs won’t turn

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