News & Insights

Curated guides and insights into the decoration and apparel industry.


A web to print software suite has the same capabilities as desktop software with added tools specifically for print businesses to facilitate customers’ orders through an online interface. For the customers, the software enables them to upload their artwork and images. Customers can use it on their products. Furthermore, they are allowed to design their

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Procedure to Sublimate Dark Clothes: Step 1 – Firstly, load the dye sublimation ink into the inkjet printer. Now load your design that you want to transfer to a polymer-coated t-shirt using a graphics program on the computer. Step 2 – Secondly, place a single piece of white dye-sub dark polyurethane transfer paper into the

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A wide-format dye-sublimation printer is a computer that transfers dye ink onto garments and hard substrates. So, you need a printer at least a wide format dye-sublimation printer that can meet your daily print-on-demand orders. Especially, if your customer asks for dye-sublimation printing on their garments or hard substrates like skateboards, and you don’t have

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If you are starting a print-on-demand business, these are the top five products to sell online. 1. T-shirts: T-shirts are the most popular print-on-demand products to sell. In fact, many starters encountered a huge sell when they introduced custom printing into their business. 2. Tank-tops: Similar to t-shirts, tank-tops are the second most popular print-on-demand

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You may probably know about the challenges of transitioning from plastisol to a water-based ink system when you have bought the hand, longevity, and sustainability benefits of water-based ink. Because the learning method includes a lot of experimentation and regression, you can find some suggestions for effective printing with water-based form here. A package would

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