


There are several factors that can influence a print ‘s quality. From the squeegee to the appropriate cure temperature, any piece of screen-printing equipment used will influence a job ‘s outcome. Think of the equipment as tools; when used correctly, the outcome will be positive. First, it’s important to maintain a clean and organized facility

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When experienced screen printers first started their venture, little did they realized the factors involved in adequately curing their prints. Under-cured ink is the most common problem found in print shops today.  If you, too, are screen printers, you would know of the stories of how people tried to cure their t-shirts in their kitchen

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For the last 30 years, plastisol inks have been a pillar of the textile screen printing industry. While in certain applications such as high solids acrylic (HSA), silicones, discharge, and modern water-based inks, innovations are common, plastisols are still the go-to option for most of the impressed sportswear industry. The plastisol screen-printing inks manufactured today

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