
Printing Guide : 234 Posts


Free shipping has proved to be profitable to increase your eCommerce business. Those provide free shipping facilities that generate an average of 15-20 per cent higher-order profits than orders without a free shipping feature. The reason is simple if a customer makes an extra payment for shipping, he prefers to drop that product and finds

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Selling custom photo frames is one of the best ideas for a company that often starts as part-time work. But custom photo frames can become a full-time, profitable business with a correct combination of craft, customer relationships, and publicity. By working with galleries, designers, photographers, and ordinary citizens, image framers are responsible for showing their

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Personalization isn’t a luxury anymore. It has become a necessity. From apparel to pillows, product customization has paved its way to a vast catalog. However, a few years ago, digital technology was not as state-of-the-art and not in the control of any small business owner. It was not “common” or “accounting.”  The advent of digital

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Small businesses are riddled with problems. A small-business owner’s days go by, struggling with its finances, marketing its brands, finding suppliers, communicating with customers, and more. Too big a challenge, the company crumbles; too little a challenge, the company doesn’t progress. So, how do you keep your company prepared to face today’s modern challenges? Here

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Search engine marketing(SEM) is a digital marketing technique that increases your website’s visibility in Google Search results or Search Engine Results Page(SERP). The SEM primarily involves the promotion of websites in SERPs to optimize the brand presence and increase traffic. The basic difference between Search Engine Optimization(SEO) and Search Engine Marketing(SEM) is SEM is a

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For the last 30 years, plastisol inks have been a pillar of the textile screen printing industry. While in certain applications such as high solids acrylic (HSA), silicones, discharge, and modern water-based inks, innovations are common, plastisols are still the go-to option for most of the impressed sportswear industry. The plastisol screen-printing inks manufactured today

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