News & Insights

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Not surprisingly, for numbering on athletic garments you can apply various methods to everyday garment printing to improve results. Mesh selection and tightness are important, as is starting with a dense film positive which will be addressed shortly. Emulsion thickness also is important To create good numbers, use a thicker emulsion over mesh (EOM). This

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Finding wholesale supplies for screen printing equipment, emulsions, screen printing ink, screen chemical, adhesives, screen printing kit, etc., can pose a challenging task for you. Screen printing equipment and supplies are expensive. You won’t take any risks buying from an unreliable seller. When I found it on Google, most people search for a “screen printing

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Embedding rhinestones with Rhinestone Transfer Machines onto the products is one of the most popular custom printing methods in the market today. Suc commercial machines allow you to embed rhinestones on various items like apparel, signage, and promotional products. While you are not necessarily bound to embed rhinestones only, if you want to screen print,

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The purpose of all garment decorators is to save time during production. This is particularly true for DTG printing, which has no reputation as the fastest decoration technology. Decorators need to understand the realities of short-term production. These are a few things you can do to improve your production. 1. Pretreat Garments in Bulk: The

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