News & Insights

Curated guides and insights into the decoration and apparel industry.


There is an increasing transition from screen to DTG printing between clothing decorators who are searching for fully customized, small-volume fast turns. Digital printing has evolved to satisfy this need and it is easier than ever to implement with new technological developments. However, many screen printers still question how direct-to-garment (DTG) printing offers transition and

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Simulated process printing is an enhanced version of normal printing where you simulate the look of the true color. Thus, it is a four color printing process that uses opaque inks and certain color separation techniques specific to its application areas. A true four color process printing includes using CMYK to produce a photo-realistic image. Contrary

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Direct-to-garment printing is one of the most preferred print methods in the custom printing industry. The improvement in technology has not only upgraded the garments but also equipment that makes the decorating process easier and accurate as per the artwork specifications. However, larger industrial machines are available for longer runs, and many shops use several

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When experienced screen printers first started their venture, little did they realized the factors involved in adequately curing their prints. Under-cured ink is the most common problem found in print shops today.  If you, too, are screen printers, you would know of the stories of how people tried to cure their t-shirts in their kitchen

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