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Last Updated on: 7th April 2024, 08:05 am

Google ads, Facebook ads, blogs, social media sharing are some of the key steps to increase conversion rate. In other words, you need to know who is the right audience and what they want. So you can offer them to convert the first time.

There are some techniques to increase conversion rate like high-quality product photos, cashback coupons, free shipping; and most importantly, hassle-free check out prices.

There are some software tools to analyze conversion rates such as Google Analytics, Quantcast Measure, HotJar, etc.

Do you want your website to convert more traffic into leads, sales, and customers?

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Well, here, we’re gonna unpack eight tips to help you increase your website’s conversion or boost ecommerce sales.

Why Should you Improve the Conversion Rate of Your Website?

So, why is conversion rate optimization so important?

Well, anybody can build a website, right?

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But not everybody has a website that actually produces the highest amount of sales, regeneration of customers as possible.

Your website’s your best salesperson. It works 24/7, it never calls in sick. It works through all the holidays. Moreover, it has your perfect sales pitch every single time.

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Top 8 Tips to Improve Conversion Rate of Ecommerce Websites:

So, the key is to make sure that your website is converting all of its traffic at the highest rate, and there are eight tips to help you do that and I’m gonna break those down right now.

1. Increase the retention time:

Does your website pass the two-and-a-half-second rule?

Studies show that when somebody clicks on a website, they give you about two and a half seconds before hitting the back button if they don’t find what they’re looking for.

So, the key is that within two and a half seconds.

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You have to make it very clear who you are, how to contact you, what you do, and how to move to the next
step, it has to pass that test.

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So, try this out, take a quick look at your website, have your desk mates take a quick look at your website, maybe the members of your family, and see if they can come up with that answer, that quick.

If they can, then you’ve just checked off that box.

2. Google searches your competitors and compares them with your website:

Try this, go to Google, search for your competitors. Click on their website real quick, click through five, six,
seven, maybe ten, or more of your competitor’s websites, and look at them.

And then look at your own and be honest with yourself.

3. Do you look the best?

Would your customers pick you?

Because your customers are doing that same process when they’re researching, who they need to do business with.

They’re gonna really dwindle it down to the top two or three and that’s gonna come down to design.

So, if you’re not in that mix, you’re missing out on conversions and that’s an area that you can tighten up.

Number three, less is more. Keep your design smooth and simple.

Don’t give somebody a title wave of content as soon as they go on your page, this is gonna cause them to hit the back button.

What you wanna do is summarize into your wow lines, just one quick sentence, your wow line, which is what makes you different. Basically what you do and why somebody should really go with you.

Tighten it up, don’t get too wordy. The wordier you are, the more people leave your site and kill your conversion rate.

4. Have Smooth & Easy Navigation:

Have smooth, easy navigation and a clear thought-out conversion funnel.

When somebody comes onto your website and lands on your page, they really need to be able to understand how to get where they wanna go.

If that’s difficult, you’re gonna lose them.

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So, they need to know where to go, and then think out that conversion funnel process.

They’re gonna come in on my home page, then they’re gonna go to this page.

Think that experience out. So that you are strong all the way through.

It’s a clear path to conversion. If you have a clear path to conversion,

You’re gonna have a higher conversion rate.

5. Higher conversion rate implies higher trust:

Websites with high conversion rates, also have high trust.

People aren’t gonna convert if they don’t trust you.

So make sure you have trust badges, you highlight some of your awards may be some achievements that you’ve had, maybe how many years you’ve been in business. What’s your experience is like.

And also, show some of your reviews. By showing them the reviews on your site, it’s preventing them from feeling like they need to go off of your site to find reviews elsewhere.

So, by showing those things throughout your site, it’s giving them the confidence that they need, the trust that they need to convert.

6. Mobile Friendly website:

Test and check your site on mobile, right?

So many business owners get caught up at work looking at their site on the desktop and it looks amazing.

But they’re failing to really check it on the mobile phone.

Check it on the mobile phone. Moreover, check it on multiple devices, and make sure it loads well, looks good.

Make sure that your call to action is above the fold. It means that when somebody loads your home page. They don’t need to scroll down to see that information it should be there right away.

Because if it’s not, you’re failing on the two and a half second rule, and you’re losing out on conversions.

7. Multichannel retargeting:

97% of your traffic’s not typically gonna convert the first time it comes to your site.

That doesn’t mean that it’s bad traffic, it just means they’re in research mode. They’re not ready to convert right now.

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So, by retargeting those people across multiple channels, Google, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, they’re seeing you and you’re staying top of mind.

It is ranking space in their mind, so when they are ready to convert, they come back to your website and they do convert.

And that’s gonna increase your overall conversion rate as time goes by.

8. Make strong and influential ads:

Both paid ads and organic search is key to a high conversion rate.

If you have people coming to your site that really shouldn’t be coming to your site. That’s gonna make your
conversion rate look bad, right?

So, you want traffic coming to your site that’s very targeted, that wants what you provide.

And so, by having clear ad copy as to what the user’s gonna get, whether it’s through a paid ad or an organic listing on search engines.

Like Google or even like a post on Facebook, you’re gonna wanna make sure
that’s very targeted.

So that when they click that and go to your site.

It is the same information that they just were seeing, that there’s a connection there, and you’re not gonna lose them.

If you’re putting up information, social media posts, things that are not relevant to your business and that traffic’s coming to your site. It is not going to convert. That is going to hurt your conversion rate.

Final Words:

The average conversion rate for websites is 3%. This can be improved by up to 400% with an optimized website. Conversion Rate is the percentage of visitors who turn into customers.

The average conversion rate for websites is 3%. That means that only 3% of visitors to your website turn into customers. If you want to increase the conversion rate of your website, then you need to optimize it.

Lastly, optimizing your website can increase the conversion rate by up to 400%.

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