
Printing Guide : 234 Posts

Business owners and entrepreneurs are entitled to acquire the necessary licenses and permits for any business to operate on US grounds. The clothing line business is no exception, and the license demands vary primarily on your operation’s location. Many entrepreneurs get worried about the licenses and permits for their businesses as it takes time and

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Digital printing has gained prominence and is being applied to many clothing-decorating methods, including direct to garment (DTG) printing, dye sublimation and print cut transfers. The full color printing capabilities provided by this method guarantee the proper work of art which needs to be produced and prepared properly for the best results. 1. File Setup:

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Direct-to-garment printing (DTG) is a new technology in apparel decoration. In 2004, it began to hit the mainstream and was featured in screen printing, embroidery, heating, and even independently decorated enterprises. A different pricing approach came along with the innovations. When developing methods to charge the right amount of money for your wares, which consideration

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